

Transfiere 2024 announces the IX Journalism Award “Foro Transfiere” in Support of Scientific, Technological and Innovative Communication, with the aim of highlighting the work done by journalists to publicise technological innovation developed in Spain and its convergence at international level.

Transfiere 2024 announces the IX Journalism Award “Foro Transfiere” in Support of Scientific, Technological and Innovative Communication, with the aim of highlighting the work done by journalists to publicise technological innovation developed in Spain and its convergence at international level.

submitted publications
granted in awards

Open call for proposals from 18 October to 31 December

General categories called for media pieces published during 2023

Three general categories: written, audiovisual and radio. And one specific category: Public Prize

A cash prize of €1,000* per general category
(*subject to the withholdings established by law)

IX Forum Transfiere 2024 Journalism Award

Entries received: 31, of which 13 were written works, 11 audiovisual, 2 radio, 3 public prize and 2 honourable mentions.

  • Winner in the category of written works:

“Los detectives de terremotos olvidados que alertan de futuros seísmos: Volverá a haber un tsunami en Andalucía”, published in El Mundo by Teresa Guerrero.

  • Finalists in the category of written works:

“La Nueva Batalla Económica se libra a 1000 kilómetros de La Tierra”, published in El País by Miguel Ángel García..
“Un teléfono, inteligencia artificial y una pastilla para avanzar en la cura de la leishmaniasis visceral”, published in El País by Diego Menjíbar Reyes.

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“Los ojos del espacio”, published in Euskal Telebista by Bego Zubia Gallastegi.

  • Finalists in the audiovisual works category:
  • “Los retos de los polímeros”, published in Euskal Telebista by Oihana Jauregi Larrechea.
  • “Cómo se le pone voz a la tecnología: inteligencia artificial y voces sintéticas”, published in Fundación Maldita by Patricia Ruiz Guevara.
  • Winner in the radio work category:

“Microplásticos hasta en la sopa”, published in Radio Nacional Española (RNE) by Juan José Martín Suárez.

  • Finalists in the radio work category::

“Ellas vuelan alto”, published in Radio Nacional Española (RNE) by Sandra Campos Ocaña.

  • Winner in the Audience Award category:

Marta Portales

  • Winner in the Lifetime Achievement category:

          Enrique Coperías

¡2024 finalists!

Written Works Category

  • The New Economic Battle is Fought 1000 Kilometers Away from Earth, published in El País by Miguel Ángel García.
  • The Forgotten Earthquake Detectives Warning of Future Tremors: There Will Be Another Tsunami in Andalusia”, published in El Mundo by Teresa Guerrero.
  • A Phone, Artificial Intelligence, and a Pill to Advance in the Cure for Visceral Leishmaniasis”, published in El País by Diego Menjíbar Reyes.

Audiovisual Works Category

  • The Eyes of Space, published in Euskal Telebista by Bego Zubia Gallastegi.
  • The Challenges of Polymers, published in Euskal Telebista by Oihana Jauregi Larrechea.
  • How Technology Finds Its Voice: Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Voices”, published in Fundación Maldita by Patricia Ruiz Guevara.

Radio Works Category

  • They Fly High”, published in Radio Nacional Española (RNE) by Sandra Campos Ocaña.
  • Microplastics Even in the Soup”, published in Radio Nacional Española (RNE) by Juan José Martín Suárez.

Members of the Jury

Each category has its own jury composed of each of the following entities:

  • Spanish Association of Scientific Communication (ACS2)
  • Málaga City Council – Communication Area
  • Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)
  • Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
  • Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
  • Honorary Presidency of the Jury of the 9th ‘Foro Transfiere’ Journalism Award
  • Department of University, Research, and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia
  • Spanish Association of Scientific Communication (ACS2)
  • Association of Journalists of Andalusia in Malaga and the Press Association of Malaga.
  • Descubre Foundation
  • Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
  • Spanish Association of Scientific Communication (ACS2)
  • Association of Journalists of Andalusia in Malaga and the Press Association of Malaga.
  • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) (Spanish National Research Council)
  • Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
  • Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)
  • Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica (AEC2) / Spanish Association of Scientific Communication (ACS2)
  • Ayuntamiento de Málaga – Área de Comunicación / Málaga City Council – Communication Area
  • Colegio de Periodistas de Andalucía en Málaga y Asociación de la Prensa de Málaga / Association of Journalists of Andalusia in Malaga and the Press Association of Malaga
  • Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía / Department of University, Research, and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia
  • Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) / Spanish National Research Council
  • Fundación Descubre / Descubre Foundation
  • Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) / Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)
  • Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINNU) / Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICINNU)
  • Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) / Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
  • Presidencia de honor del Jurado del IX Premio de Periodismo ‘Foro Transfiere’ / Honorary Presidency of the Jury of the 9th ‘Foro Transfiere’ Journalism Award

Check out the previous editions of the award

This award rewards the best contributions in science, technology and innovation communication and recognizes the work of dedicated journalists and disseminators. See previous editions of the Award.

8th Transfiere Journalism Award 2023

Works received: 47, of which 24 were written, 13 audiovisual, 5 radio works and 5 Audience Award

  • Winner in the written category:

“Este científico ha desarrollado un kit que detecta la resistencia a antibióticos en menos de dos horas”, published in Agencia SINC by Alberto Payo

  • Finalist in the written category:

“El sueño energético español: ser el Qatar del hidrógeno verde”, published in El Independiente by Rafael Ordóñez
“Málaga, fortaleza pionera en ciberseguridad”, published in Diario Sur by Antonio Javier López

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“A mi manera”, broadcasted on RTVE by Mónica Lázaro, María García and Antonio Matesanz

  • Finalist in the category of audiovisual works:

“Trasplante fecal en píldoras”, broadcasted on Euskal Telebista by Jon Larrañaga
“Energías renovables en casa”, broadcasted on Euskal Telebista by Inmaculada Álvarez

  • Winner in the radio category:

“Matemáticas para proteger nuestro corazón”, broadcasted on Radio Castilla-La Mancha Media by Jesús Román Escudero

  • Finalist in the category of radio works:

“La pequeña Doñana”, broadcasted on Canal Sur Radio by Javier Bolaños
“La vigilancia espacial y la inteligencia militar”, broadcasted on Canal Sur Radio by Javier Ronda

  • Winner in the Audience Award category:

Javier Oliva, Canal Sur Radio

  • Finalist in the Audience Award category:

Áurea Rodríguez, “Antes muerta que analógica”
Alejandro Muñoz, Agencia SINC

7th Transfiere Journalism Award 2022

VII Journalism Award

Works received: 50, of which 29 were written, 8 audiovisual and 13 radio works

  • Winner in the written category:

“El milagro de los peces del desierto”, published in EL INDEPENDIENTE by Francisco Javier Carrión Molina

  • Finalist in the written category:

“En las entrañas de un laboratorio de bioseguridad donde se probaron vacunas anticovid”, published in Agencia SINC by Jesús Méndez González

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“Diagnóstico: nuevas tecnologías”, broadcasted on Castilla y León Televisión by Benjamín López Hernández

  • Finalist in the category of audiovisual works:

“La descarbonización como objetivo”, broadcasted on Euskal Telebista (ETB) by Begoña Zubia Gallastegui

  • Winner in the radio category:

“Vacunas”, broadcasted on El Extraordinario by Mar Abad García

  • Finalist in the category of radio works:

“Capturar el CO2 para revolucionar la industria vitivinícola en ‘Investiga que no es poco’”, broadcasted on Radio Castilla-La Mancha Media by Jesús Román Escudero Cruz

6th Transfiere Journalism Award 2021

VI Journalism Award

Works received: 72, of which 40 were written and 32 audiovisual

  • Winner in the written category:

“Tecnología conectada a las neuronas”, by Laura Chaparro Domínguez, publish in the magazine MUY INTERESANTE – Collector´s edition

  • Finalist in the written work category:

“Los fármacos más caros del mundo: la gran esperanza para frenar la pandemia”, by Manuel Asende Vázquez and Artur Galocha, publish in Materia, Science section in EL PAÍS

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“Especial La Noche Europea de los Investigadores”, by Fátima Ruiz González, broadcasted on Andalucía Televisión RTVA

  • Finalist in the category of audiovisual works:

“Grafeno al mar”, by Álvaro Gómez Casado, broadcasted on Más de Uno, Onda Cero Segovia

5th Transfiere Journalism Award 2020

V Journalism Award

Works received: 49, of which 41 were written and 8 audiovisual

  • Winner in the written category:

“Inmunoterapias. La revolución contra el cáncer”, published in Ciencia National Geographic by Jesús Méndez González

  • Finalist in the written work category:

“Pilar Manchón, la española que vendió su empresa de chatbots a Intel por una millonada y se fue a Amazon, advierte sobre privacidad y asistentes virtuales”, published in Xakata by Esther Paniagua Gómez

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“A hombros de gigantes”, section dedicated to the news of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), of Radio 5 (Radio Nacional de España) and presented by Alda Ólafsson Álvarez

  • Finalist in the category of audiovisual works:

INVESTIGA, QUE NO ES POCO: Huella de carbono y cambio climático con el Grupo de Análisis de Energía Global y Economía Ambiental de la UCLM, of Radio Castilla La Mancha Media and presented by Jesús Román Escudero Cruz

4th Transfiere Journalism Award 2019

IV Journalism Award

Works received: 82, of which 65 were written and 17 audiovisual

  • Winner in the written category:

“Fotosíntesis”, by Elena Sanz, published in Muy Interesante

  • Finalists in the written work category:

“Hyperloop, la cápsula gaditana que levita a 1.200 km/h”, by Laura Garófano, published in El Mundo
“Robots sociales”, by Cristina Sáez, published in La Vanguardia

  • Specific mention in the category of written works:

“Aznalcóllar 20 años después: un ejemplo de recuperación ambiental ”, by Roberto García, published in iDescubre

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“De puertas al campo”, by Carlos Espatolero, broadcast on Aragón Radio

  • Finalists in the category of audiovisual works:

“Ordenadores que pueden pensar”, by Rebeca Escribano, broadcast on Onda Regional de Murcia
“Primer exoesqueleto pediátrico del mundo, desarrollado por un grupo de científicos españoles”, by Esther Molina, broadcast on Programa Emprende

3rd Transfiere Journalism Award 2018

III Journalism Award

Works received: 63, of which 54 were written and 9 audiovisual

  • Winner in the category of written works:

“¿Podemos ver con las orejas?” by Antonio Martínez, VOZ POPULI

  • Finalists in the written category:

“Copernicus” by Carmen Serrano, HERALDO DE ARAGÓN
“La Nespresso española que cultiva células” by Esther Paniagua, EL MUNDO

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

“LAB 24” directed by the professional Pere Buhigas, RTVE

  • Finalists in the category of audiovisual works:

“El final de las cosas” by Alejandra Flores, CANAL SUR TV (“75 minutes”)

2nd Transfiere Journalism Award 2017

II Journalism Award

With the main novelty of distinction between written works and audiovisual works.

Works received: 44, of which 34 were written and 10 audiovisual

  • Winner in the category of written works: the high quality of the candidatures received by AGENCIA SINC meant that a shared prize was awarded for the two works presented by this agency:

“Las mujeres que domaron la niebla para calmar la sed de los bereberes” by Adeline Marcos, AGENCIA SINC.
“Las grasas pueden tener la llave contra la metástasis” by Jesús Méndez, AGENCIA SINC.

  • Finalists in the category of written works:

“La personalización como nuevo paradigma médico” by Luis Alberto Álvarez, EXPANSIÓN.
“El genio español al que persigue la NASA” by Jorge Benítez, EL MUNDO.

  • Winner in the category of audiovisual works:

The TV program – EL CAZADOR DE CEREBROS, directed by the biochemist, writer and scientific divulger, Pere Estupinyà

  • Finalists in the category of audiovisual works:

“De la ciencia a la acción” by Pere Estupinyà, TVE – EL CAZADOR DE CEREBROS
“Hacia un nuevo modelo energético” by Pere Estupinyà, TVE – EL CAZADOR DE CEREBROS
“Málaga Futura” by José Manuel Atencia, CADENA SER MÁLAGA

1st Transfiere Journalism Award 2016

I Journalism Award

Works received: 58

  • Winner:

“El robot niño aprende solo” by José M. Abad Liñán, published in the newspaper El País (participated as a member of the Jury in 2017).

  • Mention in the section of written works:

“El estrecho puente entre campus y fábricas” by Carlos Otiniano Pulido, published in a joint supplement of El País and Cinco Días.

  • Mention in the section of audiovisual works:

“Biompresión en 3D de corazones con firma andaluza para planificar cirugías”, by HISTORIAS DE LUZ.